Friday, April 17, 2015

Berryville: Year 2

It's been two years since we moved into our Berryville house on April 17, 2013. It's hard to believe how much time has passed since we started over in a new town, and it's still hard to believe how much we've done to change this cute little house to make it ours. As predicted, Year 2 was much less productive than Year 1, as far as the house goes anyway. JT spent a lot of the summer in Florida for work, and then we spent a month recovering from his accident, and then we gave birth to Charlotte, and then JT signed up for one of his last online classes. All of those things took up a lot of time and some of the things we were able to get done this year cost quite a lot of money. So the list is shorter, but it was still a good year. We've been talking for a couple months now about what we want to get done over the course of this next year, and even though it's just a couple of things they will make huge impacts both visually and functionally. I'm excited to see what next year's post will say.

I've blogged about a lot of things we've done in and around the house over the last year, but as is tradition now, I'm going to use the anniversary of moving in to summarize and list all the projects we accomplished over the last year (generally in chronological order).
Here's to Year 3 in this house we've made our home. 

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