Friday, April 18, 2014

Berryville, Year 1

One year ago yesterday (April 17, 2013) we officially moved into our Berryville house. We did a lot of moving ourselves in our cars in the days before (an hour and a half each way, multiple trips a day...glad we're not back there) but the actual moving truck came for the big furniture and the last of the things we couldn't fit in our cars. It was such a surreal day, as this big empty house actually became filled with furniture and our things. The house we'd fallen in love with suddenly looked like it was supposed to be ours, rather than just the vision of it being ours.

I've blogged about a lot of things we've done in and around the house since we moved in, but I thought it would be fun to use the anniversary of moving in to summarize and list all the projects we accomplished over the last year (generally in chronological order).

This was a pretty productive and transformational year for the Moores here in Berryville, and that's mostly just because you can't help but be transformational when you first move in. We have an extremely detailed Excel spreadsheet with all our plans and ideas for each room of the house - to tackle gradually over many years - and we have the next couple years sketched out as far as the big projects we want to get crossed off each calendar year, but we will see. Nothing is set in stone, and I have a small feeling that this next Berryville year will be a little less productive on paper. With the hubs being out of town a lot this summer for work and, more importantly, the arrival of our first baby this fall, some of our house projects may need to get bumped. But like I said, we will see. You never know what you can accomplish with a couple of well-used Saturdays.

It's been a fantastic year here in Berryville, and we couldn't be happier with our move. Even though we really knocked out a lot of projects on the house this year, I know we only really scratched the surface on what Berryville and Winchester have to offer us and our family, and I think I'm the most excited to see what the next year brings us socially and personally.

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