Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Trash Can Station

The blog remains quiet, but here soon there should be quite a few projects for me to write about. The babe went back to work yesterday, which is both really exciting and kind of a bummer because we've enjoyed this time together at home so much (not the first two weeks, really, but the last two were great). I'm now trying to get back into my normal routine while also struggling big time with some lovely symptoms that come with the 9th month of pregnancy. But things are still getting done, slowly but surely, and that "before the baby comes" list is winding down. I had originally wanted September to be completely wide open with everything done beforehand so the path to my due date of October 3 would be light and easy, but I think as it is we will still have a couple weeks of no projects (assuming Baby comes on time, anyway).

One really quick and simple project the babe knocked out this weekend was a designated area for the trash cans. Originally, both trash cans were kept outside along the side of the house, but we got tired of collecting them from our neighbors' yards every time the wind would blow when they were empty. So we moved them into the garage. There wasn't really a good spot for them so they would just kind of get moved around as we needed to access certain spaces, which becomes a little bit harder when they're full. When we got the shed, we moved one of the trash cans out to the shed to free up some space, keeping only one in the garage for easier access. That helped...but it was still kind of annoying because I for one never felt like going out to the shed so I would just put bags of trash next to the can in the garage when it would fill up, and that didn't really accomplish much of a better situation. We decided that something needed to be done with the cans, even if it's a temporary solution.

All we needed was 5 2x4s, and the babe cut them down and screwed them together to make a frame. It took very little measuring and hardly any time, and we had a box.

The box is meant to keep them out of the garage (and yet slightly more accessible than the shed...which I will admit is just a few more steps away but that sometimes makes a difference when it's raining or dark or cold) while also keeping them anchored when they're not weighted down with trash. So far both purposes have been served well.

I plan on painting the frame white at some point to just look a little bit nicer, but I'm not sure when that will happen. For now, it looks fine and frees up just enough space in the tight garage (have I mentioned that we bought a new-to-us bike to replace the totaled one? So we have two bikes and my car in there...not much space to work at the work bench...or access the storage units...or bring in groceries...).

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