Monday, September 8, 2014

Nursery Clothing Dividers

Today was a really productive day for the "before baby comes" to-do list. I was able to finish a small project that I had started a couple days ago, get the car ready, pack about 2/3 of the hospital bag, and make these clothing dividers for the nursery's closet. Not too shabby considering I felt a little comatose the whole time.

I'm not going to claim any credit at all for this project; I ripped it right off of the blog I Heart Organizing. Jen had a guest post last month in which a woman shared the clothing dividers she made for her own nursery, and they were just too perfect to pass up. Or attempt to change at all. I followed her directions pretty much exactly (I even bought the same wooden Os from Hobby Lobby) but for the sake of me posting some pictures and actually writing somewhat of a blog post, I'll do some explaining too.

We started out by buying those wooden Os, which conveniently came in a 2-pack, so we ended up with four. The babe held them up to the hanging bar in the nursery closet and measured how wide of a chunk he needed to cut out (to slide them over and onto the bar). He used a hand saw to cut the wood and then sanded off the edges a little so they would be smooth. Unfortunately, I did a pretty terrible job of taking any pictures up until this point. Just picture what look like four wooden Cs.

My next step was to pick out scrapbook paper to make the little dividers a little bit more pretty. I decided to use four different patterns, none of which too gender specific and mixing it up quite a bit between them all for some variety. I thought about making them all the same, but then decided I wanted them all different instead. No particular reason, just what struck me.

I traced the dividers on each piece of scrapbook paper (twice for each piece, for a front and a back).

I cut them out...and then decided I wanted to deviate slightly from the inspiration blog post. I was a little concerned about the bare wood showing on the edges of the dividers; it would work in some cases but considering the loud scrapbook paper I'd chosen I thought it would just look unfinished. So I grabbed some paint, mixed up a green color, and painted the dividers. Like a dummy, I didn't bother to take any pictures during this phase either (although I have already mentioned that I was basically asleep doing all of this, so...). But after the paint dried, I cut out strips of the scrapbook paper that I had already cut and Modge Podged it to both the fronts and backs of all the dividers.

Once again, no pictures. I'm not sure why I even bothered to have my camera out of the bag today. But after the Modge Podge dried, I applied the appropriate sizing stickers (0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months) and left one blank because I didn't think it was necessary to use all the letter stickers required to write "Sleep Sacks," and stuck 'em in the closet. Thankfully, I had the clarity of mind to take pictures of the finished product, at least.

I don't currently have any 6-9 month clothes, so that's why you see one of the dividers way on the end of the rod. But the rest are all set and will be added to tremendously once the baby grows. For now, it's just one more thing crossed off the list, though, which is pretty awesome. There's literally only one project left in the nursery, and even though it should be incredibly easy I'm pretty intimidated by it. I've actually put it off this long because of how intimidated I am by it, but this week is the time. It's time to make a crib skirt, people. Anxiously await my blog post.

Here's the nursery to-do list now:
  • 1 Samuel 1:27-28 chalkboard
  • quote for inside side table frame
  • hang all pictures 
  • turn green bottle into a lamp
  • recover lamp shade? new lamp shade?
  • prime dressers
  • sand side table
  • sand cube organizer
  • paint dressers white
  • paint side table white
  • paint side table drawer pull silver
  • paint cube organizer
  • make mobile for over crib
  • paint metal pail for books
  • clean out closet and closet drawers
  • clean out dresser drawers
  • line dresser drawers with contact paper
  • organizers for inside of dresser drawers
  • storage system and bins
  • basket(s) for cube organizer
  • get small lamp for changing table
  • metal trash can for diapers
  • basket with liner for hamper
  • shelf over storage system?
  • new overhead light?
  • art piece above changing table
  • hang large frame for showers
  • set up baby monitor
  • make crib skirt
  • buy new blackout curtains
Yep, there's three things on that list and I said there's only one project left. Since the babe is hanging that frame and he needs to help me set up the baby monitor, I'm not counting them as things on my personal to-do list. And technically they're not projects anyway. They're items. So there.

There's only two blog posts left in the nursery, though: the dreaded crib skirt, and then I'll do a big detailed look at the finished nursery as a whole, talking about some of the little details and things that haven't been mentioned on here already. And soon...there will be an actual baby on this blog! Crazy. We couldn't be more ready.

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