Monday, October 24, 2011

Peggy Anne McKay

Two brief windows into my morning, revealing my lack of health and sanity:

Today is jersey day for spirit week and I'm, naturally, wearing my Donald Driver jersey. An 8th grader who I've never had a conversation with ever in my life walked by and said "The Green Bay Packers?" And I screamed "WE'RE 7 AND 0!" after him at the top of my lungs in the middle of the hallway.

We did grammar packets all during first block today and kids kept asking me about the contractions, so I had them all stop and look up at the board so I could give them a hint. I explained that even though it doesn't always work, you can sometimes figure out where the apostrophe goes in a contraction by dropping the vowel at the beginning of a word and putting the apostrophe there. Example? Okay. I wrote "who are" on the board. And then explained that you can drop the "a" (I crossed out the "a") and put an apostrophe. Then I wrote the new word, which is "who're," which looks an awful lot like "whore." It was literally all my 7th graders could handle to not completely lose it.'s probably best I called it a day after first block and came home. I have SO much work hanging over my head and stressing me out so much, but the flu-like symptoms I'm feeling are hopefully going to win out and let me rest. I need to just be able to pause time so I can catch up on sleep and rest and stop this beginning-of-the-flu before it really gets started...AND get caught up on the literal mountain of papers and documents starting at me to grade.

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