Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Creepy McGee

So Martin - I only keep using his name because you need to see the consistency of this young man's impact on my life - pulls me aside today during short story writing workshop that his character's name is going to be William Melchione. I looked at him with a look that I'm sure was both confused and impressed and said "...that's my dad's name." And the whole table said "Whoa! Really?!" and Josh said "he should go by Bill." Seriously. After saying that my dad goes by Bill, I also told both boys that they were really freaking me out and to get back to work. And then walked away.

Now that time has passed and I've recovered from the shock of the moment, I'm finding young Martin at his locker tomorrow morning and asking him if he googled me. That's the only explanation I can think of. There's no way that was a coincidence.

1 comment:

  1. Nifty that Mom and Dad are now followers of your blog... :)
