Sunday, October 9, 2011

My heart belongs to the Shenandoah Valley

...and sometimes cars DON'T cost you money. Sometimes you have really awesome men in your life who fix the problem for you. But more on that in a second.

I've been feeling extremely valleysick lately, missing my home and the mountains and the people and the atmosphere. The kind of atmosphere where you drive on only back roads and you almost hit a car on a blind curve because you forget that there are other people driving due to a lack of exposure. The kind of atmosphere where stop lights last (literally) 30 seconds. The kind of atmosphere where you see mountains no matter where you are. I really miss those mountains. Not for nothing, but northern Virginia is ugly. So I gathered up my stuff and went to the hunting cabin for Friday night and Saturday. My extended family was all up in Vermont for my cousin's wedding, so it was just my dad and brother and me at the cabin. The plan was to get work done in the cabin while they were out hunting all day...which kind of worked. But mostly didn't. What actually happened is that it was too hot and buggy to hunt so they got grumpy and we 1. installed a new fridge to replace the broken one, 2. switched the direction of the fridge doors around, 3. spent 45 minutes yelling at the under-the-hood region of my car while he fixed my bulb for free, 4. illegally dropped a broken fridge in an undisclosed place, 5. got turned around 47 times trying to make it to Gander Mountain, 6. followed a teenager around Gander Mountain in awe of his "Andre the Giant-ness", 7. almost hit a cat and a horse who both decided to get in my dad's way as he drove, and 8. took naps.

We also laughed a dad and brother are extremely funny guys. It was a lot of fun, and so great to see them. They went back out for the evening hunt and my brother got one! We then had to start the process of taking care of the deer...which I'd honestly forgotten about completely but was quickly reminded of when Dad said I was helping him and Peter was packing up the cabin. Peter and his dumb allergies. It's HIS deer. Got blood all over my (extremely ugly) purple fuggs so that's awesome...I went into Arby's on my way back to 81 later on and prayed no one looked at my shoes and called the cops on me. But let's be's Shenandoah County. They would all know it was from gutting a deer anyway.

It killed me to have to drive down that mountain and come back "home" to flat and asphalt. But I did, and I know that I'm here now for a reason. I would love it if I could spend some time here and then be able to move back to where I truly feel at home, but we'll just have to see I guess. If there is anything I've learned (which is an expression that I hate but that it appropriate here), it's that God's plans aren't ever my plans, but they're the plans I am supposed to be following. I've also learned that my plans generally suck, whereas God's don't. It's crazy, I know.

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