Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Oh that's right. I started a blog.

Just wrote a super long update, and then I hit that magical combination of keystrokes that deletes epic pieces of written work from my computer every once in a while and it's gone now. Yes, I've looked for a way to stop the shortcut. No, I haven't been successful. So the moral of this story is that this will be a brief update, rather than a long one. You want the long version, call me sometime. Or come visit me.

Life's real. Just doing my teaching thing and coming home exhausted. And sick, apparently? I've been feeling fairly sick all week but I think it's mostly exhaustion. And not eating well/enough. Oops. I went to bed last night at 9...and I'm thinking that it will be earlier if possible tonight. Hopefully that will help?

I planned a really cool SMART board review game for today, and it worked perfectly when I got to school and set it up. Then school started and the kids had silent reading time and a journal entry and the SMART board wasn't working. Just...not responding. Or on. And it wouldn't turn back on. So that was awesome. I was observed today for the first time, too, and had been pretty stoked about how technologically savvy my lesson was going to be. But oh well. I got to have a woman from the county's Language Arts department observe me read aloud for 35 minutes instead (as well as some cool activities I was still able to do). It worked out fine, and she liked my lesson and was very encouraging. The real kicker is that as soon as the kids all left for the day, the SMART board worked perfectly fine. Heyyy 21st Century technology. Fingers crossed for tomorrow?

Insight into my life: (student) Edward asked me today if I like Beyonce. I said yes. Then he asked me if I like Eminem and I said no. Then he asked me if I like Lil Wayne and I said no. Then he asked me if I like Chris Brown and I said it depends on the song. Then he asked me if I like Rhianna and I said no not so much. Then he asked me if I like Nicki Minaj and (student) Jonte yelled "It's not 20 questions with Miss Melchione, you stalker!" ...and then I started class.


  1. Hahaha oh Andrea. Loved that story at the end. As for technology, it's always right when you've finished something (or are ready to present) that is has a hissy fit -- happened to me with work blogs more than once.

  2. Don't worry. I won't judge you for going to bed at 9pm. I do that fairly often myself. As you summed it up, "Life's real."
