Thursday, September 1, 2011

Let's Actually Start This Thing...

I was reminded by a good friend the other day that I promised to start a blog about my life and then never actually started it. I promised to start it that night. It's like three or four nights later but now I'm finally following through. But seriously, it's been a hectic week.

I moved into my new apartment in the Woodbridge area a couple Sundays ago, on August 21st. I was only able to bring up whatever would fit in my small car because my parents were on vacation at the beach that weekend...which was a situation made much worse when I threw my 23-year-old back totally out trying to pack up my stuff. It was honestly one of the worst experiences with pain I have every had. So bizarre: I was moving all kinds of really heavy boxes all over the place all week long and then I go to move one little paper bag of toilettries across the room the day before I move and as I was putting it down I felt a sharp pain that I can only describe as being struck by lightening across my lower back. I fell to the floor and was stuck in that position for...basically an entire day. My dad, the incredible PT/MS/DPT/OCS provided me with the best of therapy programs all weekend long and had me go into his office for some help from his staff, and I was so much better by Sunday when I moved (had to delay it a day). So...that was interesting. My parents came up the next Saturday (Aug 27th) with the rest of everything I owned and got me all set up. Ikea is my new favorite store, and I am madly in love with my new reading nook complete with Ikea bookcases and a Poang chair/ottoman. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love my books, and I've never been able to display them all in one place because I have so many (sidenote: after I pulled all the books for my classroom I found out I have much less books to display in said bookcases, but now I'm just ready for Santa to come). This whole week has been staff meetings and professional development galore, and it's been a long, long week to say the least. Really good at moments, really not at others, but overall I think I survived it. Tomorrow's it for staff development and then I'm going to be in my classroom for approximately 15 hours setting up the rest of my classroom, but I'm excited to have it done and ready to go for Tuesday.

SO. CRAZY. that school is starting and I'm going to be a real teacher with real students and real responsibility for real SOL scores...ugh. Again, I'm really excited but really...overwhelmed. Very overwhelmed. Regardless of how ready I am, though, life's about to get real.

Photos of my apartment (complete with reading nook) and classroom coming soon (aka: once I have a finished classroom to take pictures of and stuff on my apartment walls so it looks better).


  1. Yesss times a million! I am so excited to know about your life. Although not as excited to hear about your back, which sounded painful. When things settle down I want to come see you / your apartment. And by "settle down" I mean like mid-October. I like to plan ahead :)

  2. Woohoo! You have a blog! You have an apartment! You are a real teacher! You are fabulous! (I realized I already knew these things, however, it is more exciting to see it in writing.) I look forward to reading about your life and seeing those photos (and the real thing in person sometime soon)! :)
