Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Errrbody Dougie

Had "Teach Me How to Dougie" stuck in my head all freaking day.

In other news, I had professional development all day and we were actually extremely productive. My brain pooped out at approximately 2:05 because it had been working so hard all day, though, and it occured to me at approximately 2:55 that saying I would stay after school with a handful of students who wanted to work on their research projects was a terrible idea. A horrible, terrible idea. I was completely brain dead and my kids wanted to play on Pandora and find every single inappropriate rap song ever written and then dance to them instead of do any work at all. I was pretty over it by about 2:56 though. Besides, I'll get them back tomorrow when I tell them how bad their sub report was (they already know because half of them told me in the hallway as I walked back to my classroom: "We were HORRIBLE!") and then punish the heck out of them.

Three conversations:

Student 1: Miss Melchione, what do you want for Christmas?
Student 2: Do you want a teddy bear?
Student 1: Miss Melchione, what do you want for Christmas?
Student 2: Because I'll bring you a teddy bear.
Student 1: What do you want, Miss Melchione? Seriously, I need to know!
Student 2: Yeah. I think you want a teddy bear.
Student 1: Chocolates? Coffee? Just so long as it's reasonably priced.
(notice how I didn't actually say anything at all and they didn't even realize it?)

Student 1: Make a request, Miss Melchione. What song do you want to hear?
Me: Honestly, I've had "Teach Me How to Dougie" stuck in my head all day long.
Student 2: Why?
Me: Why do you ever have any song stuck in your head? I don't know. It just gets in there.
Student 2: Miss Melchione, can you dougie?
Me: (laugh) No. Nope...that wouldn't be pretty.
(a half hour later)
Student 2: I bet you can dougie. I bet you're really good at it and you're just sayin' you can't.

Me: Who's coming to get you?
Student: My dad.
Me: Well where is he?
Student: He said he was leaving the house.
Me: ...it's freezing.
Student: Who told you to wear just a sweater?
Me: Who asked for your input?

It's only Tuesday? You sure it's not Thursday? Or Friday?

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