Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My mother won't like this post.

Reason number one why momma won't like this one: I've been watching too much SVU and all the noises in the creepy woods behind my apartment freak me out every time I step outside after dark. Because I think a man is going to run up behind me and kidnap me and/or rape me.

Reason number two involves my driving habits. I had dinner with a new and special friend tonight, and even though I'm busy and stressed and felt all day like I had too much on my plate for the next two school days, I knew I needed to go so I could have a little bit of Andrea time. It was a wonderful time, full of good food and great conversation about both the surfacy and the spiritual...I cherish my new friendships that are so focused on the Lord and our relationships with Him. It has done so much to make me feel more comfortable with this new town and surroundings and in spite of all the stuff going on at work.

In case you have been wondering why any of this has to do with my driving habits, though...I realized on the way to this friend's house that I forgot my purse. Just...walked out of the house without it. Meaning that I didn't have my driver's license with me. I drive all back roads to get to this friend's house and on the way home I got stuck behind a car that insisted on going much slower than the speed limit. If you have known me for very long or grew up with me, you probably know my hatred for people driving slow on back roads. I get very angry and frustrated and deeply annoyed. This started to happen tonight, but I was really into the music that was playing and was so caught up in the singing that I only got slightly annoyed rather than extremely annoyed. When we passed the hidden, parked cop car about fifteen minutes later, though, I realized why I was following that car. If I had had an open road, there is no doubt in my mind that I would have been going quite a bit over the speed limit when I passed that cop - the speed limit happens to be way slower than what is appropriate for that road, but I doubt he would have cared - and I didn't have my license with me. Maybe I wouldn't have gotten a ticket but I'm sure I would have at the minimum been pulled over. Praise the Lord for slow drivers who keep me in line and protect me when I'm irresponsible and/or itching to break the law. No really...I'm incredibly thankful for that.

Funny thing a student said? On Friday, one of my girls called me over during lunch with an animated wave and a shocked expression. She pointed to her half eaten Tootsie Roll Pop and said "Did you know that there is a Tootise Roll inside of here?!" I said "Yes I did! Did you not know that?" and she said "No! I didn't!" to which I responded "So is it like the best day ever now?" She enthusiastically affirmed that it was in fact the best day ever.

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