Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Relocation of the Bed

When I was in middle school (I think it was middle school anyway), my dad and I built me a new bed. It's made out of oak (...a lot of oak) and we put four drawers in it to replace my dresser. When we started the planning process of making the bed, I requested that it was so tall that I needed a step stool to get up into it. Dad did not deliver on that account, but it was kind of a ridiculous request considering the half walls my bedroom was made out of. This bed, guys, is HEAVY. It's literally almost solid oak from the mattress to the ground, with the only negative space coming from the drawers themselves.

Between the weight and the extreme difficulty that came with putting it together, Dad made it very clear all those years ago that he would move it exactly once, and I needed to choose wisely. I chose this house, and Dad, my brother and the hubs put it all together and in place in our spare bedroom. We figured that room made the most sense, since the plan is for future kids to move out of the nursery and into that extra room as new kids arrive. Having the bed already in place for when the little one inside me gets old enough is kind of cool...and having an extra bed in the house for visitors in the meantime is always an added bonus.

Because of the drawers, we were a little bit limited in where we could put the bed to maximize future furniture layouts. We can always move it later on, but that wouldn't be the most enjoyable task so this might be where it stays forever. It's so fun to have it here with me again, and I'm excited to think about my kids (or one of them, I guess) sleeping in it in the future.

After the two hours it took to put it all back together, it was kind of decided by all that this bed would be sold with the house whenever we move again. I'm telling you guys: it's not fun to deal with this thing. But it's here, and that's what matters for the next 10 to 15 years.

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