Friday, March 28, 2014

The Happiest of Announcements...and a Reflection

That's right! We officially announced this morning - you know you think Facebook makes things official - that our family is growing! Baby Moore is due at the beginning of October, and we literally couldn't be happier. Well, the hubs and I couldn't be happier, I think Captain and Zuriel just think those booties are a new toy and/or treat.

Even though we can't wait to meet him or her this fall, I can't go without mentioning that we're still mindful of the baby we lost last summer. Sam would be almost two months old by now, and we absolutely wish we had him with us. We will never know or really understand why we lost him, but we do have complete faith and trust in God's plan, and His timing. That's not meant to sound like a cliche, and it's definitely not something that I say flippantly. It took us many months to come to a place of true peace and trust after losing Sam, and it was a growing process that we cherish with thankful hearts. It's because of that growing process that we can now move forward in anticipation and utter excitement for this baby and any babies that follow. Losing Sam was extremely hard, and the months of unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant after Sam were hard, but we really do wholeheartedly believe that God has a plan for our lives, for our marriage, and for our family. And the lessons that we learned about our own private relationships with Him as well as the new depths in our marriage that came as a result of that journey are irreplaceable. And honestly, I am so very thankful for all of it.

Thank you so much to those of you who have held our hands, listened to our heartache and fears, and who have prayed for God's will to be done in our lives over the last year. Thank you also for rejoicing now with us as we celebrate this new baby who is growing fast and keeping his momma super sick almost all of the time :) We love you already, Baby, and can't wait for October.

ps: Let the fun nursery posts begin!

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