Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Just Kind of Depends.

Yesterday in 5th block, a student tried to kick down my door because she was late and I had started class and I wasn't going to interrupt myself and the beginning of class to let her in. She did, after all, have eight minutes to get to my class on time with the new bell schedule. In my homeroom, we did the moment of silence four times; they wouldn't shut up and I was tired of it so I started the timer over every time someone talked, sat down, or made an obnoxious noise. But I also had a kid get his pinky finger stuck in the handle of a window in my room during notetaking. I guess he realized it fit in the tiny hole and I'm sure he thought it was really cool until he tried to take it out, and it was completely stuck. He tried so hard to be discreet about it, but he was sitting near me and when I saw I couldn't help but laugh just a little bit at him. I did, though, get up and get my lotion out of my teacher bag and hand it to him without saying anything and without stopping teaching. When his good friend from across the room realized what was happening, though, it was all I could do to get the crazy little hyena to stop laughing. take some and you lose some.

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