Monday, May 30, 2016

Summer Reading Goals and Some Book Reviews

I wanted to catch up on book reviews, but before I did I wanted to share my personal reading goals for the summer. I've shared on various social medias that JT is gone for the summer again, working in Florida till sometime in August, and my sister will be living with us starting at the end of this week. We've discussed lots of plans for the summer, including things we want to be intentional about - hobbies, exercise, etc. - rather than just sit and watch TV all summer. Reading is one of those goals we both have, and mine specifically is to read two books a week, not including audiobooks. I think it's pretty possible, between nap times and keeping the TV off a couple nights a week after Charlotte goes to bed for the night. I started working toward that goal this past week, and succeeded in completing two non-audiobook books. I'm excited to see how many I end up cranking out.

Now for the book reviews (which include the two I read this week as well as a couple audiobooks I listened to and a few books I completed over the course of the last several weeks).

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I knew April in college, and have followed the Swiger adoption journey (from a distance) with much anticipation and prayer since they began the process several years ago. I wept over blog posts as they waited and rejoiced when they received their first placement with their son J as well as their second placement with their younger son Zay. When she shared that she was writing a book about foster adoption, I jumped at the chance to read an advance copy. April is honest and raw in such a tangible and sweet way, bringing her audience into the world of foster adoption. Her repeated and overarching intent throughout the book is to remind us that all people - children who have been abused and neglected and have disabilities as well as the parents who may be responsible - are created in the image of God. We are called to love them all. The book is powerful, and deeply moving. If you're considering adoption of any kind I highly recommend it. 

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I'd read one of Woodson's books when I was in college, so when I saw her name attached to this audiobook I thought "Sure, why not?" As it turns out, this is an autobiography of sorts, taking us through Woodson's unique childhood and presented in a sort of prose format. It's a little different, but really good and very powerful. I enjoyed it a lot, and plan to use it in the future to help teach our kids about the Civil Rights Movement as well as diversity and the different types of racism.

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A month or so ago I read Forman's Just One Day and whined when it was over because even though I didn't really like it, I was forced to read the next book because she ended it on a cliffhanger. Well, here's the next book. I liked this one a lot better - although it did still drag on at times - which I appreciated, but she also ended this one with no real information and yet another cliffhanger. Which leads me to my next review...

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So to ACTUALLY end the little series, Forman wrote a 55 page novella to tie all the little loose ends. Why couldn't she have just edited out some of the nonsense in Just One Year and then tacked this onto the end? No idea. But I suppose that was her right. I was just glad I could immediately buy this little guy for only 99 cents and read it and be done. Overall: cute, too much sex (for a teen book? Come on. Keep your pants on), good summer throwaway reading, not necessarily recommended though. Didn't wow me.

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I don't think I ever really had much of an interest in reading this book, but so many people were talking about it and it was available on audiobook at the library, so I figured even if it was a waste of my time, at least it was free. Well. I'm not sure if it was really a waste of my time since it did provide me with lots of entertainment. The laugh out loud kind. Don't think that was really her plan, though. Guys, this woman is nuts. Absolutely nuts. I mean, the basic, bare-bones premise is good: have less stuff. But beyond that, she gets into some strange territory. My bottom-line review: I ball my socks up, and I will not apologize for it, lady. My socks don't need to rest, and neither does my purse. They're socks and it's a purse.

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This one was really, really cool. Baker grew up fully convinced that she did not want to ever be a mom, but then she got married and she changed her mind. Three kids later, her story is all about learning how to "break up with ourselves" after having kids. It's not about having to lose yourself as a person or as a woman, but instead about learning that our selfishness that clings to what life used to be like before kids needs to go. She also spends considerable time describing her childhood, losing her own mother early in life, as well as her journey through early marriage and then eventually one, two, and three kids. I really enjoyed this one and found some of her points to be particularly convicting.

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Alright friends. This is the big one. So for those who aren't aware, The Princess Bride is literally my favorite movie of all time. And it always will be. Always. No matter what. Even if I end up writing a screenplay one day, I can guarantee you it won't be anywhere near as good as this one (or it's matching book, written by the same man). So when Cary Elwes announced a year or more ago that he was writing a memoir about just his time making The Princess Bride, my heart stopped and I counted down the days until I could get my hands on it. I waited a little bit longer so I could get my hands on the audiobook instead, and get the full benefit of Cary's voice reading me his stories as well as all the additional voices of the entire cast lending their own memories and perspectives on everything. It is safe to say that I was in absolute heaven while listening to this book. I laughed out loud, and I cried real tears. JT called me once while I was listening and he asked what was wrong, and I said "Oh Cary was telling a story about Andre and I was crying." I was legitimately sad when it was over, but that's okay because I fully plan to listen to it many more times. Dear sweet friends: I get passionate about a lot of things that probably don't matter too much. It's easy to tune people like that out sometimes. I'm begging you to not tune me out on this one. Yes, I'm being dramatic, but honestly this book is so stinking good. It will make your little heart so happy. If you've ever seen The Princess Bride, read this book. If you've never seen The Princess Bride, get in your jammies and DRIVE TO MY HOUSE and we will watch it together, and then immediately after it's done you need to read this book. I'm so serious.

(For those who are curious, this week's nonaudiobook reads were Just One Year/Just One Night and Surprised by Motherhood.)


  1. Love, LOVE your book reviews & witty insights! I bought and started reading AS YOU WISH this morning! Love you, girlfriend!

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