Thursday, February 18, 2016

Master Bedroom Makeover (Part 1)

Hey friends! We've been making some really huge changes around the house over the last few months, and the latest have been taking place in the master bedroom. Before we go to the bedroom though, I want to show you a couple shots of the family room. Because one of the big changes was that we got new carpet! (Insert one thousand balloons and confetti poppers.) There are only two rooms with carpet in our house - the family room and the master bedroom, and that's because both rooms were additions and therefore don't have the same original hardwood flooring as the rest of the house. The carpet was brand new when we moved in, but it was also the WORLD'S WORST, builder grade carpet that stretched and pulled and stained and wore down to nothing. It's been less than three years since we moved in, and the carpet looked like it was fifteen years old. Yes, we had three dogs for two and a half of those three years and we have since added a toddler. But seriously. So we decided to bite the bullet and change it.

Those are the two carpet samples we chose, sitting on top of the existing carpet (stains and pulls not pictured). After much debate and votes from family members, we decided to put the tan in the family room and the grey in our bedroom. I loved the grey the most for both rooms, but we were afraid it would stain too much in such a high traffic room. And it was such a good idea, since the tan looks amazing in the family room. But first, I have to show you what our subfloor looks like:

Has anything screamed 1980 decorating more than that floor? Amazing. But okay, here are the after pictures in the family room:

Please ignore Hart of Dixie playing on the television. I can't stop watching it.

The tan carpet fits the room perfectly, and it's so beautiful. So soft, such amazing quality, and so so so much better than the cruddy stuff we had.

We also installed some new glass doors on the fireplace, and a new hearth rug to protect the new carpet. Both add so much to the room. We're so happy with how it's all turned out.

Now. The master bedroom.

When we moved in, this is what it looked like:

A couple months later we painted the walls and hung some pictures. 

And I will be honest, I hated that paint color while I was actually painting it. Really, really hated it. It was so far from what I was going for. In person, it was even brighter and more like a boy's nursery than it's showing in the pictures. I made a huge mistake, though, and decided to move the furniture back and live with the color for a few days to see if it grew on me. And the problem then was that when a few days passed and I still hated it, the furniture was already back and it's a huge pain to move it and paint again. That bed is heavy. And so are the two dressers. So we just kind of said that one day when we replace some of the furniture we'll paint. But here we are two and a half years later and it still hadn't happened, because we also haven't changed any furniture. And I've just been quietly hating it.

Here's some more pictures of the room, as it has been up until last week (with a brief cameo from Charlotte):

Oh look...Hart of Dixie on the television. #reallife

Aside from the paint color, there were several other things I wasn't super in love with in the room.

  • the curtains. We had chosen them in haste a couple years ago when JT was about to start working midnights and we needed blackout curtains. We didn't do a lot of research; all I knew was that I wanted a burlap color. We saw these at Walmart (probably really cheap) and grabbed them, as well as the curtain rods. These particular curtain rods were the kind that snap into place in between the molding around your window, rather than having to be drilled into the wall. It sounds nice...until you realize that there is absolutely no hanging high and wide with them. Plus the curtains were basically solids they were so thick. You literally couldn't pull them back off the window. We hung some hooks to hold them back a little, but they still ended up covering a large portion of the windows (and the windows are not that big to begin with). 
  • I liked the things we had hung on the wall (almost entirely maps and pictures from our honeymoon in Maine) but felt like it looked like we kind of stopped halfway through decorating. The things we had hung were in awkward places and the blank spaces were equally awkward. There wasn't much intentionality there. 
  • That bed is just not my favorite. Actually, all the furniture is not my favorite. I'm not really much of a matching bedroom set kind of girl - and thanks to three and a half years of being married to me, JT isn't a matching bedroom set kind of boy anymore - but it's the bedroom set he had when we got married and there wasn't much point in getting rid of perfectly good furniture. He doesn't have a strong emotional tie to it, so we've always talked about getting rid of it at some point. In the meantime, though, the bed is probably my least favorite of the set. I can't quite put my finger on why, other than that it just doesn't feel welcoming to me. 
  • I have always really wanted a big comfy chair in our room. It's not the biggest master bedroom in the world but it should fit a chair fairly comfortably. I did move that IKEA chair back to our room a couple weeks ago and it's nice to have even though it it's the long term plan or design I had in mind. 
  • I cannot stand that dumb boob light. Our house has them in every room and at every light fixture and I can't even describe to you how badly I want to replace them all. It's on the list, it's just an expensive task on the list and it therefore hasn't happened in any room yet. But I definitely want that to go in this room too. 
Basically, I wanted our room to be comfortable, relaxing, and peaceful. I didn't want the paint screaming at me or the furniture to feel like it doesn't belong in my house. And honestly, that's somewhat easier said than done sometimes. I've been brainstorming for a long time, though, about what I want to happen in our room far off in the future when we get to tackle it, and these were some of the ideas I had:
  •  I knew I wanted a darker blueish-grey for the walls. I had been shooting for a blue-grey the first time around and had missed the grey completely, and this time I didn't want to mess it up. So I went to the experts and stole the paint color right off their walls: Young House Love, thank you for Benjamin Moore's Black Pepper. We literally stole your master bedroom paint color. Great minds, and all that.
  •  Lots of neutrals to balance the darker wall color. That meant beiges and whites and greys on the bed, with lots of pillows to add to the comfortable and welcoming feel. 
  • A new white dresser to replace the one currently under the television. I had originally thought I'd want to thrift one and paint it, but after looking at a couple I realized that we are adults, and it's okay for us to put our clothes in something new. With drawers that aren't decaying and have a hard time sliding open. So I shifted my attention to this dresser from IKEA instead. 
  • New curtains and new curtain rods, for the love of windows. I wanted either beige or white, preferably letting some sun in to make the room seem more light and airy, but we'd have to take into consideration JT's occasional night shift work. I also definitely wanted to hang the new curtains high and wide, maximizing the windows' full potential rather than blocking them like we had been. 
  • A more intentional and purposeful layout on the walls. Whether we kept it simple or went gallery wall crazy, I wanted to make sure it wasn't just haphazardly thrown together without thought again. 
  • Sweet, wonderful Joanna Gaines has gotten to me in a big way. I really wanted to incorporate faux shiplap somehow, somewhere. 
  • A new light fixture...something in this family
  • One day we plan to upgrade to a king mattress, and when that happens we will obviously need a new bed. In a perfect world, I'd love a beige tufted upholstered headboard. Swoon. But JT hates upholstered headboards very very much, and I suppose he gets a say since it's his bed too. So I'm not entirely sure what kind of bed I'll want when the time comes, but I do know it's not going to be like the one we have.
  • Pops of yellow, preferably mustard. (A huge barn down the road from my house is painted dark blue with mustard yellow doors and I am smitten.) 
This was all long down the road, until we started talking about carpet. When we pulled the trigger on that one, it was all a logical spiral into a full blown bedroom makeover. Replacing carpet meant moving furniture, which means I leaped with my whole body at the opportunity to paint the walls. So we moved the furniture a couple days before our carpet appointment, and I painted over the course of two nights.

Here's the somewhat crappy quality panoramic shots of both sides of the room:

Other than the paint change - which, contrary to before, I loved from the moment I started painting - and the new carpet, we changed a little bit of bedding, the curtains, a lamp, and I switched out the IKEA chair for my famous map chair. We also took the bed apart and left ourselves with only the bed frame, which was such an unexpected and wonderful bonus.

Here's some better, more up close detail shots.

And just like that, we have a whole new room. Now that we've made these incredibly huge changes, we've really only got a couple left to make.

  • We're going to get that white dresser from IKEA at some point, which will pop so much against the dark walls. I can't wait. 
  • We're going to snag this chair from IKEA while we're there for the dresser. I loved the idea of using the map chair - half because it has that pop of yellow I wanted and half because we already owned it and therefore wouldn't have to buy a new one - but I don't think it will work in this room for a number of reasons. It's just not that comfortable, for one. For another, it's way too formal for this room. I sat in bed last night staring at the room for about ten minutes, trying to figure out what wasn't working. I think it's the chair. The chair is formal and rigid, which isn't the comfortable, casual, inviting feel I was shooting for. I think the new one will work much better. 
  • We're going to replace the light fixture...someday. Not sure when or whether it will be the exact one I linked to or not, but time will tell. 
  • We're going to shiplap the wall behind the bed! CAN.NOT.WAIT. The plan is to leave it as rough wood and not paint it, to bring in some warmth. 
  • We really need to paint the ceiling and add crown molding (the guy we bought the house from who flipped it literally forgot to put the molding up in our room - every other room in the house including our closet has crown molding, but our room doesn't). 
  • We need to hang things on the wall, obviously. But I'm not rushing into it. You might notice that there isn't even anything on the dressers and nightstands. We're taking our time with bringing the clutter and pictures and maps and frames back into the room. Like I said, I want it to be intentional and actually look good this time. 
So there it is! It will evolve and get tweaked, I'm sure, and not only in the ways I just outlined. But now that I've shared all that with you...I have three questions for you. I need your advice, friends.

First, What do I do about this hallway leading to our room, and our bathroom?

The bathroom is the blue color that our room used to be, and the hallway hasn't ever been touched. Should I paint them to match the bedroom? Paint just one of them? Which one? JT and I have talked about painting our hallway the same color as the main hallway someday, so should I wait for that and do that and paint the bathroom to match the bedroom? Help.

Also, Rosie's spikey collar is already scratching the wall behind the dog bed (I know. Infuriating.). Any suggestions for what to do about this? My only thought is to use the shiplap as wainscoting all the way around the bottom of the room instead of doing the whole wall behind our bed. That way her collar would scratch the wood but who cares? Thoughts? Any other ideas?

One last thing, we only bought three curtain panels because we only used three before. But the previous curtains were so thick, two wouldn't work with our awkward, small window next to the bed. After hanging these last night, though, I feel like it looks silly without two curtain panels, and JT doesn't mind it and is worried it will be smushed behind his nightstand. Thoughts?  Add another panel? I just don't want it to look like we forgot to hang one, you know? I feel a little bit like that's what it looks like, but I also think JT has a point about the nightstand.

Alright friends. That's it: our living room update/bedroom makeover/advice seeking. Until next time!

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