Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Yes Please: a brief review

taken from
Well folks, I'm only a couple weeks into 2015 and I can already cross one of the books off my goals list for this year! It helped that there was a deadline of book club to get this read by...and it helped that it's college bowl season and I just don't really like college ball but my husband does. I didn't love this book all that much, but I did love finding the time to read amidst a screaming, snotty, teething 3 month old and rainy days that make dogs really unhappy. Reading just looks different now, and it's not as often, but I'll take it when I can get it.

So, Amy Poehler. I just love her, don't you? Except...after reading this book...I don't really as much. I love Leslie Knope, but as it turns out Amy Poehler isn't actually Leslie Knope. She just plays her on TV. Leslie is smart and hilarious and dorky and never does anything that might be considered "bad." Amy is smart and hilarious and super inappropriate and did/does a lot of drugs. It made me sad to read and I had to start binge watching Parks and Rec to cleanse. True story. That being said...there were definitely parts that were great. It was mostly pretty funny and I laughed out loud a whole lot; I also skimmed a lot of chapters/passages that were just entirely unnecessary. As one of my dear friends described it: "you did drugs and your apartment was weird. We get it." Yeah...there was a lot of that. There was a lot of stuff that I just didn't understand (I don't live in your world of improv and therefore nothing you are talking about makes any sense to me) and endless references to people that I was too lazy to IMDb (no I don't actually have the last twenty years' worth of SNL cast members and writers memorized).

But there was also a lot that I enjoyed. Like the entire introduction that I highlighted the crap out of, which was full of sentences about writing that I found to be so encouraging. And like the descriptions of her sons (Amy actually put into words what I too have caught myself feeling at times: you actually really do want to eat your own children they're just so freaking adorable). All in all, I give it an "eh." It was entertaining at times and super boring at times, and she's not Leslie Knope in real life. But I guess I should have seen that last one coming.

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