Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Master Plan

First of all, this:

Second of all...I wanted to go ahead and share with you the plan for the nursery.

Some of it has been a work in progress for quite some time now. We bought a glider when we were pregnant last summer and were able to pick it up in August sometime, so it's been hanging out in there for quite a while. So have two small hip-height dressers that the hubs bought way back when he was still in an Air Force dorm room. I had decided pretty early last summer what I wanted the color scheme to be, and I painted the walls one random day this fall when I needed a project and felt like I was in a good place emotionally to work on the nursery. The crib we bought off Craigslist in the fall - just as a "let's keep an eye out for good deals and accumulate things gradually over time instead of breaking the budget all at once" thing. And the rug we stumbled across on a sale at Home Depot one day...gosh. I can't even remember when. Sometime in between the summer and now.

Because of the mostly accumulated furniture presence, the room has felt like it's been in a weird limbo for a long time, kind of appropriately so I suppose. There's furniture, but it's not all the right color and it's not all finished looking (crib but no sheets, for example). There was a day, back before most of this furniture had even arrived, where I literally sat down in the middle of the floor with a sketchbook and pencil and drew out where I wanted everything to go and how I wanted to design it. I'd spent more than enough time on Pinterest to have some ideas up my sleeve, and within a couple minutes I had a completely designed nursery. I've tweaked only a couple things since that original design, and it's definitely been the layout I've stuck with.

My sweet friend pointed out - with a semi-mocking tone - recently that it's kind of funny that this piece of paper is labeled "nursery ideas" when in fact it's a fully detailed and concrete plan. Yes, good point. It was originally meant to be a brainstorm sesh...but it was just a really good brainstorm sesh, that's all. I know the pencil is faint, but you can probably notice that my original thought of having more than one rug in there was immediately debunked when I put my most favorite green rug in front of where the future crib would go and realized that the big empty room was going to shrink fast with furniture. So there's only one rug, but it's a big one and fills the space well. Here's some more pictures of what the room looks like in live time (which is also how it's looked for pretty much the last four to six months):

So like I said: all the furniture is basically there, it's just definitely not a finished space.

As you can kind of see from what's in there already, we're going with a very gender neutral color scheme of grey, white, and pops of green. We're doing this for a couple different reasons. First, we're not finding out the baby's gender before delivery. Just a decision we made this time around and we may change our minds with future babies, but for now, we're content with waiting and letting it be the biggest of surprises. The other big reason is that we're planning on rotating Baby #1 out of the nursery and into the room next door whenever Baby #2 comes along, and so on, so it would be silly to go pink crazy and then have a boy next and have to start over (not that we would actually go pink crazy...have you ever met either of us?). There may be some element of fun to being able to decorate a new nursery for each kid, but my guess is that by the time I'm in my second trimester with Baby #2, Baby #1 and whatever dogs we have at the time will be keeping me busy. Plus it's got to be a huge money saver to just...recycle. The third reason, although I think this is more a me thing than an us thing, is that I've mellowed considerably in my color palette tastes and choices. I just really like the idea of a calm and neutral color scheme in a bedroom, especially in a nursery (and you can blame both Pinterest and HGTV for that).

So that being's the plan for moving forward. The to-do list I can't wait to tackle:

  • 1 Samuel 1:27-28 chalkboard
  • quote for inside side table frame
  • hang all pictures 
  • turn green bottle into a lamp
  • recover lamp shade? new lamp shade?
  • paint dressers white
  • paint side table white
  • paint side table drawer pull silver
  • make mobile for over crib
  • paint metal pail for books
  • clean out closet and closet drawers
  • clean out dresser drawers
  • line dresser drawers with contact paper
  • organizers for inside of dresser drawers
  • hem curtains and hang them
  • storage system and bins
  • get small lamp for changing table
  • make/buy crib skirt
  • metal trash can for diapers
  • basket with liner for hamper

For now anyway, this is the to-do list. It's not too bad, and it's a really fun list, mostly the kind of craft projects I love doing anyway. I am super scared of hemming those curtains...but I'll discuss that a different day.

Here are a couple of sneak previews for what the plan is for a couple spots in the room, as told by my original drawing.

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